Master of and Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Medicine (Psychosis Studies)
Pharmacological interventions for psychosis (6 credits)
This course will provide comprehensive understanding of pharmacological interventions for psychosis. After introduction of basic concepts in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, basic concepts in neurochemistry will be introduced. It will then consider the efficacy of conventional and atypical antipsychotics medications, with discussions on current understanding on the mechanisms of actions will be discussed. Neurotransmitter blocking profile of antipsychotic medications will be introduced. Side effects of antipsychotic medications, their classifications, and their underlying mechanisms will be studied. Assessments and monitoring of side effects, clinically, as well as using standard research instruments, will be covered. Use of antipsychotics in the treatment phase and the maintenance phase will be highlighted. The process of drug development and clinical trials, as well as potential biases and ways to avoid them, will be outlined to enable an ability to critically review evidence based information for particular medications. Patient’s perception of medication treatment, as well as adherence behavior, will be discussed together with local empirical findings. Ways of improving medication adherence will be discussed.
Course coordinators: Prof Sherry KW Chan & Prof WC Chang